There are plenty of options available in the market when it comes to choosing a Cloud hosting solution. You can find many options from the cheapest to the most expensive ones. It is important to save money but it is also very important to pick the right hosting solution for your website.
You cannot compromise on the quality of service just to save a few pennies and you might end up spending more than you planned to in the beginning. When looking for a hosting solution businesses often look for better speed and performance and not pay attention to various other features that are equally important such as cost.
Businesses often end up going for a hosting solution that is offering its services for free or at cheaper rates. It might seem like the right thing to do in the beginning, but it can seriously compromise the performance of your website and can eventually lead to bad customer service. In this article, we have highlighted the reasons why one should avoid opting for cheap cloud hosting.
5 Reasons to Avoid Cheap Cloud Hosting
Slow Load Speed
In the case of cheap cloud hosting possibilities are that multiple websites are sharing the same server and this will result in the slow loading speed of your website. Chances are that due to an ongoing promotional offer the prices are relatively cheaper and after a period of time, the prices might go up again.
Search Engine Optimization Rankings
Speed also has a huge impact on your Search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. Google does take the websites loading time into consideration when it comes to SEO rankings. Cheap Cloud hosting can seriously hamper your SEO rankings and therefore it is best to avoid such cheap cloud hosting solutions.
Downtime issues
As mentioned earlier cheap cloud hosting solutions often host multiple websites on the same server. This can result in downtime as there are more than websites sharing the server space and the bandwidth. Especially in case, the website is witnessing heavy traffic the host might not be able to provide sufficient support required.
Security Concerns
Cheap cloud hosting solutions can seriously undermine the importance of security and can expose your website to several malicious malware, hackers, and viruses. On top of that hosting multiple websites on the same server can also threaten the security of your website as well.
24/7 Customer Support
Cheap cloud hosting solution does not provide the assistance required by the clients. In certain situations, you might not be able to find a solution to a problem and you can find yourself completely on your own without any technical assistance from the host end. Round the clock customer support is required for the smooth functioning of your website and it is something that you cannot overlook.
In this article, we have made it quite clear that even though cheap cloud hosting might seem like an attractive offer in the beginning. However in the long run it might jeopardize the performance of your website. So it is best advised to avoid such cheap cloud hosting services and choose a more affordable and suitable hosting solution for your website.
If you are looking for further assistance get in touch with our experts at Ewebguru. We offer impeccable hosting solutions at an affordable price.

Ashok Arora is CEO and Founder of eWebGuru a leading web hosting company of India. He is a tech enthusiast with more than 25 years of experience in Internet and Technology.
Ashok is Master in Electronics from a leading Indian university.
Ashok loves to write on cloud, servers, datacenter, virtualisation technology.