Ewebguru: How to load website fast

The first and foremost effort after a website is made is to make it load fast, if possible super fast, on browser. Here we have compiled some of the best ways how to do so and before we proceed further, it is important to note that eWebGuru follows strict principle to make your website run faster.

Content delivery network

In common term it is called as CDN. It is a collection of servers across the globe which shares static files of websites like JavaScript or CSS and delivers to the server that is nearest to physical location of user. This networking system helps in loading website content including videos faster. Usually such setup is practiced by larger websites to ensure visitors get their content loaded faster from any corner of the world.

Adaptive images

This part is important. It helps to great extent in loading website faster. Start using Adaptive, Picturefill or other such tools for images to save bandwidth and help the website to load fast. There is another way too. Adopt new images in formats like JPeg XR or WebP to help cut the weight of images by about 20-50 percent. These tools don’t compromise with the quality of images.


Plugins are important features for any website to enhance user experience but the functionality sometimes slow down the loading speed. First thing to do is remove outdated plugins from the website. More to this, always try to use those plugins which are proven by webmasters’ community as using less lagging.

Compress content

Compressing content is a good trick in making website load faster without compromising with the quality. Usually servers do the job with the help of GZIP compression algorithm. If not, find compressor services online that removes unnecessary spaces and characters across the CSS and HTML codes.

Minify CSS and JavaScript

There are certain dedicated tools like CSS Minifier/Compressor that helps in removing unnecessary extra space, line breaks and other such bytes eating issues from the website.

Configure expires headers

Usually website files get stored on the computer visitors to make loading of website faster in the next visit, but the expiration date in the file header is set to 24 hours by default. Increase it or set it to never expire. This feature does not impact the server and page load time.

Hosting package

At last do check the hosting package. Sometimes a simple tweak at this end helps the website to load faster. If your website is using typical shared hosting account in which dozens of other websites are hosted, the load time could be affected. Consider dedicated hosting and have access to the server or a Virtual Private Server alone. Apart from these you can also opt for migrating your website to Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which enables faster and predictable performance. It also cuts down bandwidth costs by up to 70 percent. It is suggested to host your website on eWebGuru as the server offers one of the fastest loading time in the industry.

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