There are several hosting services provided by hosting service providers to satisfy your business needs. But you have to convey your needs and fix up your mind with perfect online business goals so that you receive appropriate hosting service. Though start-ups may not require a dedicated server during their initial stage of business, when it grows, you should take a wise decision, to prevent your websites from potential threats and keep it safe and secure, by opting for a dedicated server.

To make the point clear, there are quite a few reasons that explain why a dedicated server becomes the right solution for your hosting needs and we are here listed those for your reference.
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ToggleReasons That Highlights Why You Should Choose Dedicated Server
#1: High-quality performance
Dedicated servers help you in maximizing your website’s uptime by creating a secured pathway and isolated platform. It results in faster performance of your website ensuring no/minimal bounce rate from viewers. Mainly, it helps in increasing the SEO page ranking of your website through organic searches.
#2: Security
Due to being a dedicated server, you get all resources dedicatedly and you will not have to worry about hackers hacking your website information or viruses or malware affecting it. The complete C-Panel access provides you the option to set authentication levels within an organization.
#3: Scalability
In a dedicated server, you will be the owner of accessing all required resources for your business, and depending on your IT needs, you can scale up and down the resources and create multiple individual servers within. With this, you can forecast your future business needs and the required resources as well.
#4: Quick customization
Irrespective of your business type and needs, a dedicated server gives you the flexibility to manage and monitor your resources and workload effectively and ensures it supports the growth of an organization.
#5: Flexibility
Any time you can revamp or restructure your server configuration as per the business need and make your workplace reliable and flexible. You can install any software at first and later if you want to uninstall that software and install several other applications, a dedicated server gives you that much webspace to implement everything.
#6: Separate IP address
The biggest advantage of having a dedicated server is you get a unique IP address, which cannot be known by hackers, and no more sharing of IP addresses with other website holders. Moreover, under the same IP address, you can host multiple websites.
#7: Reliable bandwidth
A dedicated server provides reliable bandwidth that allows users to experience a great interface of using your website. It ensures that all applications, software, etc. attached to your website are not hit due to downtime and lets them run smoothly.
#8: Value for money
Dedicated servers are never the cheapest option when compared to other types of hosting services. But it is worth the money you invest in it. If not now, at least when your business grows, you will have to opt for a dedicated server by default.
Pick Reliable Host Provider For Availing Better Hosting Experience
However, picking the right host provider is vital when it comes to experiencing all those benefits of a dedicated server. In the developing countries like India picking reliable hosting service provider is a daunting task because you can find numerous vendors both in online as well as offline.
To pick the trustworthy hosting service provider, you need to do little research and should seek references from an experienced person along with the expert’s guidance. With respect to dedicated server hosting, there are many service providers in existence. But choosing the right one is the toughest task.
eWebGuru is one of the best-dedicated server hosting providers, who offer high-quality servers in much better competitive pricing. The best part with eWebGuru is excellent customer support, which you may not get the best with other hosting service providers.
Always prefer the one which helps uplift your business at initial stages and then upgrade your server to a dedicated server slowly but without fail. Reach out to us for more advice on servers. I Hope, our list along with expert’s review might help you in picking the right hosting for your website.

Ashok Arora is CEO and Founder of eWebGuru a leading web hosting company of India. He is a tech enthusiast with more than 25 years of experience in Internet and Technology.
Ashok is Master in Electronics from a leading Indian university.
Ashok loves to write on cloud, servers, datacenter, virtualisation technology.