Web hosting is necessary for every online business. Which makes it even more crucial to choose the right hosting solution. There are countless options available in the market making it even more difficult to find the right one. Several hosting terms that you must have come across include shared hosting, VPS, dedicated hosting, and WordPress hosting. In this article, we are going to focus on WordPress hosting and shared hosting.
What is WordPress Hosting?
WordPress hosting is specifically for WordPress websites. They are specially designed to custom fit your WordPress sites.
Advantages Of WordPress Hosting
- Since the environment is designed for your website that certainly helps to improve the speed of your website as well.
- WordPress hosting undertakes several measures to maintain the security of your website. The team of experts managing WordPress sites are quick to respond to any situation. Which makes your website less likely to get hacked.
- The support staff at WordPress possess the necessary knowledge required to provide adequate support needed as far as troubleshooting and hosting problems are concerned.
- WordPress also guarantees increased uptime due to the seamless integration between the server and the content management system (CMS). Making sure that your website is accessible to visitors.
Disadvantages Of WordPress Hosting
The WordPress environment is highly customized which makes it less suitable for everyone. On top of that, it does come with a hefty price in comparison to other hosting solutions available in the market. Due to some security concerns, there are certain limitations on which plugins you can use as well.
What is Shared Hosting?
In shared hosting, multiple websites are hosted on a single physical server. If your website is not going to receive huge amounts of traffic and if it does not require large amounts of space then you can save some money by choosing shared hosting. Shared hosting is most suitable for websites that are new and small in size. So if you choose shared hosting you will not only save money but you will not have to pay for additional features that you are hardly going to use.
Advantages Of Shared Hosting
- Shared hosting is highly affordable to various hosting solutions available in the market.
- it is ideal for websites that are small in size and that do not use a lot of applications and software.
- you will be able to get a fair understanding of how hosting works until you can upgrade to a more advanced hosting solution.
Disadvantages Of Shared Hosting
In Shared hosting, you might not get the resources that you need for your website to grow. Especially since you are sharing the server with other websites that also compromise the security of your website and might lead to a security threat to your website as well. When your website starts to encounter a rise in traffic than it might also affect the performance of your website as well,
WordPress hosting offers plenty of features that help to improve the performance and the security of your website. Shared hosting on the other hand gives new websites that are small in size a great start at a budget-friendly price. So it completely depends on what you are looking for in your host.
We hope that this article helps you to choose a more suitable hosting solution for your website. If you are looking for further assistance then get in touch with our experts at Ewebguru. We deliver impeccable hosting solutions at an affordable price.

Ashok Arora is CEO and Founder of eWebGuru a leading web hosting company of India. He is a tech enthusiast with more than 25 years of experience in Internet and Technology.
Ashok is Master in Electronics from a leading Indian university.
Ashok loves to write on cloud, servers, datacenter, virtualisation technology.